What is heeweeblosssom.com ?#
I have started this blog to share thoughts and opinions on my various interests. I enjoy sharing my experiences and find value in the details. After following other bloggers and their journey I felt I should start my own blog which provides value to its readers in my own unique way.
Who is it for ?#
The goal of this blog is to reach as many people as possible. If I write about a topic that you are interested in, then this is the perfect place for you.
South Korea ?#
heeweeblossom.com, is written and run by myself with the help of a friend. In South Korea we can use Naver to host a blog however I wanted my content to reach a wider audience. I think there is value in sharing my experience living in South Korea to the rest of the world.
How to Use.#
There are a few features of the site I would like you to be aware of.
Appearance toggle#
At the top of the site there is a toggle button to switch between light and dark mode. Will look like a crescent moon or sun.
The comment functionality uses github on the backend, so to leave a comment you are required to create a github account. To leave a comment scroll to the bottom of a page, log into github and leave your comment !!
The comments support markdown formatting. In the comment box you will see a small ‘M’ logo, this links to markdown documentation which will help with formatting.
Please read the community guidelines