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Community Guidelines

·462 words·3 mins
These Guidelines are subject to revision without notice.


  • Be respectful and constructive with your communication.
  • Zero tolerance for inappropriate, insulting or troll behaviour.
  • Attacks on the writer/s or readers is not tolerated.
  • Hate speech or offensive content is strictly prohibited
  • Consider the tone of your comment. Avoid shouting, excessive emoji use and inappropriate language
  • Profile pictures with distasteful imagery will be banned.
  • Comments can be flagged for review.
  • If comments contain inappropriate language or is deemed toxic they will be deleted.
  • If links are deemed malicious or have bad intent they will be removed and the commenter blocked.


Discussion and Different points of view are welcome. Constructive and respectful correspondence is valued. We do not tolerate any innapropriate, toxic or offensive behaviour.

As a commenter you have the ability to flag potentially innapropriate comments or contact via email via the contact page.

How to Comment

The comment system runs on a third-party platform called Github which requires users to create an account. Github does not require you to use your real name.

We’re all friends

Being respectful is of most importance, you are here to read what the writer/s have to say. The comment forums act as a place of interaction between writer/s and the community where discussion and debate are welcome but comments that target individuals or groups in an offensive, hateful or toxic manner will not be tolerated.

Moderators, Editors, Writers reserve the right to caution commenters openly, delete, edit or modify a thread that breaches the community guidelines and suspend or ban repeat offenders.

All forms of hate speech are unnacpetable such as racism, sexism, homophobia.

Clarity and Intent

This is a text forum and interpretation plays a big role, any text that has the potential to be offensive could be subject to review, think twice before publishing a comment.

‘shouting’ - excessive use of capital letters as well as the excessive use of emojis or other symbols are frowned upon. This could lead to comments being deleted and repeat offenders facing suspension or permanent ban.

Profile Pictures (Avatars)

Github allows users to set profile pictures (avatar), if these pictures include distateful imagery they will receive a ban. Examples of content that could get you banned are sexually explicit, suggestive or revealing imagery; depictions of violence or gore; crude imagery; the celebration or depiction of criminal activity; propaganda.

Backup Profiles

Commenters are advised to maintain a single profile. Having multiple accounts is not required and Repeat offenders will be monitored and eventually banned.


If links are posted, they will be checked for viruses or any other form of bad intent. These comments will be deleted and the commenter blocked. Please refrain from sharing links unless they are necessary.


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